neocities that inspire me !

olliveen angelhotspot 22yk01 frutigeraeroarchive the button of Philia995

add my button ! (please dont hotlink)

introduction ?!

pew pew ! hands up !

welcome to the local trashy corner store in your neighbourhood !
yes, the one with the crusty white dog snooring under the counter and that has probably never met food safety regulations, that one !

i havent touched html in literal ages and i was quite missing it ! so this is probbaly gonna be messy and look terrible on most devices but i want this tiny corner of the internet to be *my* space for *my* eyes where i can be creatively free and explore and experiment and learn. I want to express myself without wondering what anyone else might think

now have fun, click around and gossip (when there's actually something to look at lol) and remember: cringe is dead, long live bad pngs, cunty electronics, cheetah print and bling. slap that weird stamp on your profile and draw that overpowered OC
fuck modern day internet and its boring minimalism

about the weasel behind the counter...

you may call me whatever you want and refer to me however you please, i am just an incorporeal entity in the internet after all and i dont exist beyond this screen

i like computers, otome games and novels with morally questionable female characters
i hate tomatoes, capital letters and good punctuation
and i have a concerning amount of kuromi merchandise

current shenenigans in the store

things to do:
  • place the vita in its own window?
  • ^ with a list of currenty playing games
  • fix the marquee and place it somewhere idk
  • draft the layout of the otome review page
  • page for the IF i play?
weasel status:

maybe keep everything in the windows? i really like em and i am not a fan of stuff floating around idkkkk